Weeds – commonly known as unwanted plants that can have an invasive nature. Weeds are never 100% preventable or eradicated but with some simple steps the battle against them can be overcome.
Prevention is important in fighting the war against weeds, but once your lawn or garden is inhabited, there are some steps you can take to aid in victory. Yes, I declare war on weeds 😉
1. When you purchase top soil ask the vendor if it is free from nut grass seed. Most likely he/she will assure you, “Yes”, although it is possible the seeds still may be present. Search for reputable vendors.
2. Use ground cover to eliminate exposed soil areas. This will help eliminate maverick seed germination.
3. Use 3-6 inches of mulch around your shrubs.
4. When pulling weeds by hand, be sure to remove the root system as well. The bulb like root of the nut grass MUST be removed.
Chemicals that are on the market will also do a fair job, but they can be costly and damaging to other trees and shrubs and also linger long after the weed has been destroyed. If possible, attack the weeds by hand or opt for the more organic methods of controlling them in your yard.