Shrubs are another layer of the backbone of a garden.
Shrubs can be used in your landscape design to do things like:
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Shrubs also add to the landscape by offering assorted leaf sizes. Leaf sizes are something that homeowners seldom consider in designing landscapes.
Well designed landscapes take into accordance leaf textures, shapes, colors and sizes. For example a landscape with too many small leafed plans can appear to be too busy, whereas too many large leaves in a garden can be overbearing. Too much texture can appear sloppy and not enough texture can be dull and uninteresting.
Finding the Proper Balance is as Simple as Variety
Using a smaller shrub
Dwarf shrubs help to create this variety.
By planting dwarf shrubs in areas such as between ground covers and trees creates a border, and also adds color and texture as well. Placing them in visual locations as well such as along walkways and patios enhance the curb appeal of the home.
Maintaining dwarf shrubs is simple, they naturally remain compact and low lying as their name implies. In most cases, pruning is rarely needed.
Using a larger shrub
Larger shrubs, for establishing a boundary or to offer privacy can consist of azaleas, lingustums, pittospoums, and yaupons are excellent hedges that are easily cared for.
If desired, Camellias can also be used, however, they require more maintenance. In return they will give you color during the more dreary months of winter.
Shrubbery choices can greatly enhance any landscape design, providing proper attention is given to showcase an assortment of color, leaf size, shape and texture.