In order to ease the tree selection process, here is a list of specific trees for Houston, Texas according to their attributes:
Evergreens Trees
- Canphor
- Deodar Cedar
- Cherry Laurel
- Chinese Evergreen
- Eucalypyus
- American Holly
- Dahoon Holly
- Integra Holly
- Torulosa Juniper
- Japanese Lingstrom
- Wax Lingstrom
- Loquat
- Broonze Loquat
- Southern Magnolia
- Monkey Puzzle
- Mountian Laurel
- Live Oak
- European Olive
- Evergreen Pear
- Aleppo Pine
- Slash Pine
- Red Plum
- Yapon
- Japanese Yew
Deciduous Trees
- Arizona Ash
- Catalpa
- Chinaberry
- Chinese Parasol
- Chinese Tallow
- Crape Myrtle
- Cypress
- Dogwood
- American Elm
- Chinese Elm
- Ginkgo
- Honey Locust
- Oriental Magnolia
- Red Mayple
- Silver Mayple
- Mimosa
- Mulberry
- Red Oak
- Willow Oak
- Jeruselem Thorn
- Calleryana Pear
- Pecan
- Mexican Plum
- Rain tree
- Redbud
- River Birch
- Sycamore
- Sweet Gum
- Vitex
- Corkscrew Willow
- Weeping Willow
Palm Trees
There are also palms that are suitable for our region:
- Queen Palm
- Pindo Palms
- European Fan Palms
- Mexican Blue Palm
- Chinese Fan Palm
- Date Palms
- Lady Palm
- Palmettos
- Windmill Palms
- Desert Palms (Washingtonia species)