Do you have large trees in your area? Or is it a place where it is shady because of tree canopies above? Then this landscaping idea will surely fit those qualifications you have.
The idea in this type of landscaping is planting and decorating under trees with plants that thrive well even if they are receiving inadequate or less sunlight. These plants are known to be found in forests and woodlands.
Having this type of gardening or landscaping requires a whole lot more planning than other types. This is because woodland plants are those that receive less sunlight during daytime (about 50% overall) because of the shade that the trees provide and not all plants can survive that condition. If plants can survive in shady areas, they will not thrive well because of the inadequacy of sunlight for their manufacturing of food.
The condition in the woodland is not just shady, it is also damp. This is also because of the reason that less sunlight can penetrate down the surface and water cannot dry up easily – making your landscape garden kind of mushy. Much preparation is needed to counter these types of problem.
The best thing about having this type of landscape or garden is that it requires less maintenance. Woodland plants are used and adapted to surviving almost plainly in rainwater. Add it to the damp soil condition and watering will no longer be a problem.
Grasses and weeds are also almost not a problem because they are not used to an environment which receives less sunlight and too damp soil. These conditions make it hard for them to thrive in that certain type of setting. Another maintenance advantage of this type of landscape!
If you are interested in this type of landscape design, this is how you do it:
Spot Selection
In selecting the appropriate spot to put your landscape, there is only a place that can be the most suitable – somewhere shady under a tree or a group of them. The key spot in choosing the place for your woodland landscape garden is in the place where the sun’s rays do not directly hit the ground or if it does, it will only be at most 50% of the sunlight to penetrate – but not throughout the day.
Soil Enrichment
In every landscape and garden, it is best to enrich the soil first before putting in the plants for decorations. Top quality soil will ensure that your plants will get the right nutrients and minerals for them to get healthy and grow. The soil is also the key element in the success of your landscape plants because it also holds on to water and nutrients which the plants need.
As what I was telling you earlier, the soil in the woodlands are damp and holds on to water. A healthy and enriched soil also has the same qualities of holding on to water or does not drain easily.
Plants to Plant
The plants in a woodland landscape are those plants that require less sunlight to survive. Unlike other plants, they only require a minimum amount of the sun’s rays to manufacture its own food and survive. These plants that will be used in your landscape are the actual plants that can be seen in shady woodlands.
An example of a plant that can be used in a woodland landscape is ferns. They are naturally found in cool, damp, shady places such as the woodlands. It will also create a scene and add drama comparable to a deep woodland or forest.
Landscape Lighting and Other Features
Other features can be added in your landscape like stone walkways, landscape lighting and bird baths. It will add more “attitude” to your landscape. It will also create a focal point in your garden.
Some tips for using landscape lights in your yard
- light up your yard, not your neighbor’s yard (especially their bedroom window – I once did this and my neighbor, who already didn’t like me, actually yelled at me)
- Use colors you like but also try to use colors that complement your plants (like using lighting to complement your home decor)
- bury wires if used, you don’t want to trip on them
- if it requires a huge wiring job, don’t try to figure it out yourself
- light stairs and paths
- don’t be afraid to light the ground (i.e. don’t only use up lights)